What makes "Real Teams"
Real teams are multidisciplinary.
Real teams assume good intent and trust each other.
Real teams respect each other’s expertise and craft.
Real teams understand the unspoken boundaries of providing feedback and influence.
Real teams push and pull each other to the best outcomes.
Real teams make space for each person to contribute, discuss, and debate.
Real teams have healthy conflict because they know it makes the work better.
Real teams try to work through unhealthy conflict prior to escalating.
Real teams talk about the challenges their teams have - and try to improve together. They are self-solving.
Real teams collaborate - they do not cooperate.
Real teams know quality is habits.
Real teams all have the same goals and own outcomes together.
Real teams forgive and forget mistakes made by other team members by owning those mistakes together.
Real teams don't care about who "makes the decisions" - they are too busy focused on delivering the best work.
Real teams aren’t real teams when they first form - it takes time but they have to do the above to make it happen.
Real teams build trust every single day.