J.B. Chaykowsky


May 28, 2019

The hardest part of doing something bold is …

Too often we are focused on the immediate delivery or circumstance to give ourselves the freedom to act. We believe the “right” thing todo is to stay within the system that those around us have adopted “to get things done.” After all, predictable behaviors and approaches are safe. People’s expectations are met (but never exceeded) when we act and deliver in a predictable way. We have case studies, statistics and other information to support our current behaviors, outputs and solutions. By doing so we compare ourselves to what others have already produced. If you think about it, just by comparing yourself to work already delivered by other innovators … you are now doubly behind. They have delivered AND are on to the next thing while you are still trying to figure out how they did what they did with amazing success.

New innovative ideas hardly sprout from areas that have been tilled by others before you. New bold ideas come from the places others haven’t touched, explored or refused to travel to because it looked “too tough.” Where the ground looked less fruitful… not because it is, but because no one tried for fear of growing nothing. But many have planted in new areas to delivery bountiful results. So why are you scared to?

Bold ideas come from people who seek understanding beyond the current accepted practices. These individuals care so much about succeeding beyond the norm they reach farther than all others. They create the opportunity to plan, think and act boldly.

How do they do this?

They allow themselves to.

Give yourself permission. You don’t have another day to waste.

Safety is the mother of mediocrity.