Pushing Back Against Liquid Modernity

It can be tough to make time and find the space to think about who we are and what we want when so much is happening in life and work.

We often go on autopilot and just react to things instead of defining our life.

We can end up feeling unsatisfied and frustrated in this state. This phenomenon is known as “liquid modernity” and is caused by the pressure of society to become a "better version of ourselves" rather than truly understanding ourselves. It is a gap between who we are and who we are expected to be.

When you are so focused on becoming a "better version of yourself" you can lose touch with who you really are. You can lose track of what your own values and your own goals should be, because you are wrapped up and too busy trying to live up to other people's expectations. It is also tough to escape - we are bombarded all day every day with “who we could/should be” through social media, advertising, self-help books, job descriptions… the list goes on and on.

It is important to remember that we can shape our own lives and create the future we want. We can do this by setting aside time for reflection, getting help from supportive people, taking breaks from social media, practicing mindfulness, and finding activities that make us happy. This way we can get to know ourselves better and enjoy life more on our terms.


Reflecting on the awe of today


Motivation vs Caring